Comments and news about Environmental Planning and Design. Intended for all audiences including students and alumni of the Rutgers major of Environmental Planning and Design.
04 March 2007
Prizm groups
How much information can demographers find out about you? Honestly, they usually are less interested in you and more interested in groups of people like you. Claritas Prizm groups have become one way that they describe the American population as groups. MelissaDATA has posted all 65 groups and their icons (Park Bench Seniors are shown above) along with some extra details about their purchasing habits. A little scary how much they know?
Director of SEBS General Honors Program and Professor of Landscape Architecture in Rutgers’ School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and Associate Director of the Grant F. Walton Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis. Dr. Tulloch can be reached at tulloch[at]
Research online at:
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