29 September 2010

Live Blog: Gale Fulton, Univ. of Illinois

Towards Landscape Intelligence
Gale Fulton, University of Illinois

Opening strong with a Pierre Bélanger quote
Counterpointed with a Homer Simpson quote
Something for everyone

The rapid progression of references begins:
Civitas project in San Diego

Mark Taylor's Crisis on Campus

So is everyone changing their curriculum? It sure seems like a change

The Perpetual Post-normal - things like dealing with uncertainty and adaptive management approaches

Shrinking Cities - Philadelphia - Urban voids
25000 vacant homes
What are good strategies

The rise of asymetrical threats
...An array of changing human conditions that might be reaching a tipping point
What would be landscape strategies that address these conditions?

Parsons MFA in Transdisciplinary Design - what are they seeing?  What are they reacting to?

Expansive disintegration - Retooling by Rosalind Williams

Which brings us to Landscape Urbanism -
Corner, The Agency of Mapping - "the difficulty today is less a crisis of what to do than of how to do anything at all"

Michael Speaks has written about Design Intelligence in ways that inform and help us think through new ways to approach landscape

Change by Design - Tim Brown

A dense forest of references so far, but now we turn the corner into a field of ideas.   This transforms the critique into a more prescriptive diagnosis.

1 Design and Design Thinking First, Profession Second
2 From Objects and Sites to Services and Systems
Move towards infrastructure - manufacture urgency and "shape the path"
3 Political practices: From the Projective (poli-fi) to the Pragmatic (poli-ni)
 ...R. E. Somol
4 Cultivate the Synthetic Mind
see: Howard Gardner
Synthese and Integration at out Doorstep
5 Engage the Contingencies of Real Design...
6 Know when to let go - Extinction timeline

DT:   How is the critique different than Heidi Hohmann and Joern Langhorst's Apocalyptic Manifesto?  Or KERB 17: Is Landscape Architecture Dead?

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