06 August 2007

blogging growth

Everytime I look someone else has added another blog that is worth reading. I should quickly mention a few here before I lose track, since I don't seem to be getting on track with keeping any sort of organized blog roll.
  • Edward Tufte, best known for his writings on visualizing data and information, keeps a moderated bulletin board that will be interesting to readers who enjoy his work. A while back there was an interesting conversation about "mapped pictures" and the challenges and histories of labeling objects within photographs and images. I also enjoyed the conversation that emerged regarding Princeton's admission letter a few years ago.
  • ESRI's Mapping Center weblog is proving to be well written and helpful. Its posts are written by Charlie Frye and Aileen Buckley, who are able to walk people through in great detail.
  • Finally, while it isn't about landscape architecture, planning or GIS, I've become an instant fan of the Stat of the Day blog. After Shelley Duncan's hot start, I was glad to see their exploration of other good starts by rookies. It is nice for both a very short glance or a long study of some numbers.

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