24 April 2008

New preservation maps

The NGO, The Trust for Public Lands, is finishing a new set of maps of Barnegat Bay priority lands for preservation.


Prince of the City Sneakers said...

so when they talk about land acquisition what methods do they really use to acquire land parcels with high priority? i mean, it sounds like people are afraid that their land will just be taken through legislation as opposed to purchased at fair market value.

i can see both sides of this issue, homeowners are afraid of losing their investments and the ngo wants to improve water quality and promote restoration.

the thing is the root of the problem is the degradation of water shed health and water quality so land preservation is important especially within stream buffers.

David Tulloch said...

As far as I know, TPL only acquires land through traditional private market processes like buying it at a mutually agreed upon price (fee simple purchase) or finding landowners who voluntarily sell TPL their development rights.

But it raises a different question of what do when they only have enough money to buy one tract and have to choose between one that helps more with water quality and one that does more to promotes some important terrestrial habitat. Their official information sure seems watershed oriented: TPL BArnegat Bay