17 May 2008

Can Duke Gardens be saved?

I'll be honest. I thought that the grassroots efforts to save Duke Gardens was going to end up as an unnoticed group of people trying to shape something beyond their control. I mean, it isn't a state park or a public property of any sort - so what good would a petition or small protest be? Based on the most recent emails and news stories, I'd raise their odds from infinitesimal to small. But this morning's news is that they are at least being heard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please help the chances go from 'small' to merely 'unlikely'!

I just posted an amazing picture of the French Gardens at night to my flickr page. It's accompanied by a personal memoir from a friend of Miss Duke, laying bare the lie that she would be happy with how her trustees are spending her money on destroying her creation.

500 hits by mid-day at least makes us a noticed group of people trying to shape events beyond our control!