31 January 2008
Office Hours Spring 2008
New Scholarships
But there is at least one point worth clarifying:
"Contributions from groups like the 'Cipriano Keeping it Green Foundation' help make difficult career path decisions easier for students," Tulloch said.I meant that the choices are difficult, not the careers.
I can't stress enough that we are grateful for the support that our students receive from the community. And one of the best parts of my job is notifying students when they get a scholarship. Getting to do that more, is always good.
URISA Journal
30 January 2008
Responsible Gardening Symposium
Luxury housing in Highland Park
Avalon Bay has asserted that changing the zoning to allow the residential community would be "deintensifying" agent because of diminished truck traffic that would be traveling the adjacent roadways.Several residents were suspicious of that claim.
"So the extra 300 people down the block from me will make it less intense for me?" Rein asked.
Lange said "Yes."
29 January 2008
Highlands Coalition Rallies Behind Plan
The plan, which was to be completed in 2006, is now expected to be finalized in the spring. Public hearings are set for Feb. 6 in Morristown, Feb, 11 in Paterson, and Feb. 13 in High Bridge.
Noguchi park in Japan
Noguchi designed a great-looking park inside a river ox-bow Sapporo called Moerenuma Park. Unfortunately, it is far from Osaka and Tokyo and not a place that as many LAs are likely to visit. It is a hude park experience - like the California Scenario times 10. But, in this park almost every feature is meant as an object for play.
It is fairly widely described online including an entry in Wikipedia, a profile in Land+Living, a nice Flickr photostream, a nice write-up on a Sapporo site, and some early post-construction photodocumentation. Check themout, because the photo (above) from Wikipedia doesn't even begin to capture the variety and volume in this park.
I don't know how I would pull it off, but as a Noguchi fan I look forward to visiting someday and will keep it on my lifelist.
27 January 2008
Local boy makes good

26 January 2008
Design Week Peek
25 January 2008
The Best of the Worst in Planning 2007
Public Education vs. Ivy

Spread over a couple recent issues, Business Week has carried a dialogue about the appropriate balance between public and private. First, BW ran a feature asking whether the "wealth of the Ivy League" was dangerous to higher education. The provosts of the Big1T1en wrote back pointing out that their schools combine to educate 1 out of every 8 PhDs in the US. If only they could count.
New Jersey's response has been to see if college education can be squeezed into three years instead of 4.
23 January 2008
3 Landscapes: Kathy Poole
Gainesway Farm
Woodland Cemetery
Miller Garden
LectureBlog: Kathy Poole, ASLA

Kathy Poole, ASLA
Evolutionary Infrastructure of Boston's Back Bay Fens: Model of Cultural and Ecological Dynamics
Design Week 2008
This requires thinking about the fens well before Olmsted and following them to the present
Infrastructure is an essential component for us to live in a congregated manner
The bay had a reputation for murkiness and wildness
The bay became a source of valuable salt hay, Spartina
But then a mill dam was built across the Back Bay to support a road, railroad, mill, etc.
Eventually the city gave permission to flush sewage into the Back Bay
Its status slowly became more ambiguous - no longer natural, but not fully part of the city
Olmsted turned it into a working stormwater garden
It was a functioning kidney for the city
Olmsted's brilliance was to make it into a park that would rooted in the city's history
Channels slowly transformed it into parks instead of sewers
By 1920 museums (like the MFA) and schools lined the Fens
(The Liveblog ends abruptly today. Sorry. Just enjoy the photo.)

Potsdam from Above
22 January 2008
Lecture: Kathy Poole, ASLA
The lecture is open to the public.
Design Week 2008: IFLA and the Meadowlands
To start thinking about the problem/s I pulled out some old Meadowlands photos of my own. These photos do not show the site for Design Week, but capture areas directly adjacent and show the basic nature of the area.

21 January 2008
Master Plan for the Princeton Campus

Damaged landscapes
As the world's population continues to crowd coastal zones, it is important that multidisciplinary approaches emerge for describing the impacts of the human footprint:
“Too often, poor ecological data lead to inaccurate valuation of these benefits, resulting frequently in an ‘all or none’ choice of either preserving or converting all coastal habitats to human use,” Barbier says. “This ‘all or none’ outcome is at odds with EBM strategies, which are trying to find acceptable compromises between conservation and development.”It will be interesting to see if this becomes a more broadly understood idea, or just gets used as an excuse for developing sensitive landscape.
20 January 2008
Tanner Springs Park
These photos are from the summer of 2006.
17 January 2008
Versailles from the Sky

East River State Park
15 January 2008
DRAFT LA Department Computer Recommendation
As of today, 1/15/07, this is still a DRAFT document and only a recommendation or set of guidelines.
This is NOT a requirement but a strongly encouraged set of guidelines for laptops that will be most helpful in the design studio setting. Every feature (memory, speed, etc.) that you cut back on will probably shorten the time that the machine is useful. On the other hand, a slightly slower or older machine can still be more useful than waiting for the shared machines in the lab.
Ideally, this would be a great machine right now. If you find a deal you might adjust it some, but just be aware of the tradeoffs.
CPU Processor: Intel-compatible (Pentium, AMD): 2 GHz or higher
RAM: 3-4 GB (one of the most important issues for LA students)
Hard Drive: 100 GB or more strongly encouraged (160GB @7200 rpm)
Monitor: 14" or larger - Display that supports 32-bit color at 1280x1024 pixels
Video Adapter: 256 MB VRAM or more
High resolution graphics adapter w/ 256 MB video RAM , support for Open GL 1.5 or higher recommended
OS: Windows XP Professional
Sound Card: 100% Windows compliant sound card
Wireless Card: IEEE 802.11b/g/n compatible (Blake Hall will primarily be an N-band wireless zone)
USB flash drive, (for file transfers), at least 1GB recommended
Ethernet Adapter: Built-in or Xircom, 3Com Megahertz or Netgear brand (RJ-45)
Warranty Service: minimum 3-year onsite parts and labor
Recommedned Software:
Microsoft Office 2007
Autocad 2006/2007 Student
Adobe Creative Suite 3 (The Creative Suites come in several different bundles. Rutgers has a negotiated rate for one under $400 that is a good set for students.)
Before you purchase your personal computer for school, you may want to look over the general advice that Rutgers offers for students considering a laptop purchase: http://www.nbcs.rutgers.edu/newcomputers.php
Halprin Exhibit
But the exhibit runs out soon, so plan your trips now. Plus, on January 25th you can get a tour from the guest curator.
14 January 2008
Talk about a green town

13 January 2008
11 January 2008
Highlands case dismissed

A judge threw out the case today apparently preventing the case reaching a full-blown trial. The Real-Time News at NJ.com reports:
But the judge said the right question is whether the law has a rational basis, "not whether every property that was excluded or included was property placed." As a whole, the Highlands Act "has a legitimate purpose and rational means of achieving that purpose," he said.Tomorrow's papers may have a few more details on the implications, but it certainly won't be the end of contention surrounding the Highlands of NJ.
(The photo was taken by former RU student Jenna Paulowski)
10 January 2008
The Value of Undeveloped Land

At least $26 billion a year worth of goods and services. And that $26 billion a year is worth about $850 billion in present value terms.(The photo was taken by former RU student Jenna Paulowski)
09 January 2008
On Walking
08 January 2008
TV Listings: A Year at Kew
The Royal Botanical Gardens are located on the banks of the Thames River in Southwest London. Better known as the Kew Gardens, the 250-year-old horticultural phenomenon boasts an unrivalled collection of plants. A Year at Kew gives viewers exclusive behind-the-scenes access to this major British attraction. It is a delightful journey with a charming and passionate group of people who value the natural world and do their best to preserve one of their country’s great botanical treasuresShow times might vary around the planet.
Geaux Tigers!

Then, despite losing to Kentucky, another one of my alma maters, LSU, wins the official BCS National Championship 38-24. A good season indeed.
Back to work.

07 January 2008
A Vision of Students Today
The video highlights how different the educational environment is today than 15 or 20 years ago. But it also shows how collaborative a class of 200 can be.
The Gateway gets a hearing

Opponents of the project say Gateway's scale is out of character with the neighborhood's historical components. They say the project would dwarf St. Peter the Apostle Church, Rutgers University's Queens campus and Old Queens, the university's administration building. All three are state and federal historically designated sites.
Not unlike the Highway 18 process, this seems likely to speed through. But the comments along the way could highlight potential points of debate for the College Ave changes in the coming years.
06 January 2008
Political mash-up
One of the exciting things about mash-ups is that they allow rapid responses by individuals of limited programming skill (but a touch more than me).
04 January 2008
Best Careers 2008: Landscape Architecture, Urban Planner
The LA feature includes a "Day in the Life" but I am curious who helped them write it. THeir explanation of the ownside is interesting: "To be content in this career, it helps if you're an avid environmentalist and can tolerate the often labyrinthine approvals process." They also picked a "Smart Specialty":
Ecosystem Restoration. Governments and nonprofit groups are restoring increasing amounts of land to their primitive states.The planning description helps clarify why GIS is so important these days, "planners gorge themselves on data".
Gardening and movies
If you own or work a plot of land, you are, like it or not, the director of a garden scene. Your garden reveals something of your income, your state of mind, your character, your taste. Even if that state of mind is "I don't care much," or "I care sporadically" (very common), or "I'm someone who hires a landscape service."
03 January 2008
A step towards the Crossroads
The federal funding is a far cry from the $10 million the 14-county Heritage area was promised over 10 years, but staffers say they're happy.
"The federal budget is tight and we all recognize that," Cate Litvack, Crossroads director, said today. "We are hopeful that down the road we will see more funding, but $150,000 is so much more than we had. I am thrilled. It is certainly a good start."
Land Ethics Symposium
Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve presents its 8th Land Ethics Symposium: Creative Approaches for Ecological Landscaping on Thursday, February 21, 2008 at the Sheraton Bucks County Hotel, Langhorne, Pennsylvania. Stay ahead of the curve with innovation ideas and successful solutions from experienced practitioners at this day-long event.
Who should attend: Landscape architects, architects and contractors; landscape/horticulture industry professionals; land managers, planners and developers; environmental consultants; state/municipal officials; students
Program and speakers:
This year’s presentations focus on conservation development and land stewardship, sustainable landscaping and the new Sustainable Sites Initiative, innovative residential stormwater management, a public LEED® certified landscape and building project, and natives-only streambank restoration.
Featured speakers are Marcus de la fleur, Conservation Design Forum; Holly M. Harper and Ann Hutchinson, Natural Lands Trust; John W. Munro, Munro Ecological Services, Inc.; Jennifer Ward Souder, Queens Botanical Garden; and John Peter Thompson, Behnke Nurseries Company.
CEUs applied for from the New Jersey Landscape Architect Evaluation & Examination Committee. Fee: $99, fulltime students: $65; Pre-registration required.
For more information, call the Preserve (215) 862-2924, e-mail Hildy Ellis (ellis@bhwp.org), or visit www.bhwp.org/educational/symposia.htm.
02 January 2008
Building the High Line
01 January 2008
Travel photos
More Efficient Routes
The NYTimes video on energy innovations this year includes the UPS routing changes alongside with upper-atmosphere windmills.